Searching for the Elusive Man Who Inspired Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Read the enthused review of A Plausible Man in The New Republic
The story of the Dorchester County slave who escaped to Maine
Summerville article about Matthews.
Article about Slaves of Charleston
From The Forward my article about Slaves of Charleston.
Susanna Ashton, Clemson University – Rediscovering an Enslaved Person’s Journey to Freedom through Research.
Academic Minute with Susanna Ashton.
Dirty Searching and Roundabout Paths
Using Afro Americana Imprints for a Master's Level Seminar.
Language as Destiny
A radio essay by Kesha Ram about my research on Samuel Williams in Vermont featured on “Here and Now” for Vermont Public Radio.
Scholar seeks Springfield descendants of famous fugitive slave John Andrew Jackson
Feature article and interview from the Springfield Republican.